TIL: Accessibility resources #2

Hi there,

I decided to start a second edition of accessibility resources, I have learned many things about accessibility and I want to share these resources with you. I have made sections related on topic you might be more interested.


These courses are interesting as an introduction to accessibility and to review certain concepts if you are already familiar with accessibility notions.


I'm a big fan of ebooks, I have all of them in that format if it's a requirement for you. I haven't read everything but it's on my todo-list if not finished. I added some links for people who wants to learn more but you can find them in other platforms.

  • Accessibility for everyone, Laura Kalbag - A book A Part
  • Maximum Accessibility: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone: Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone, Sharron Rush - Amazon
  • Practical Web Inclusion and Accessibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Access Needs, Ashley Firth - Amazon
  • Web Accessibility Cookbook: Creating Inclusive Experiences, Manuel Matuzovic - Amazon
  • Beyond Accessibility Compliance: Building the Next Generation of Inclusive Products, Sukriti Chadha - Amazon
  • Fixing Access Annoyances, Phil Mitchell - Amazon
  • Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance, Jim Thatcher, Mark Urban, Bruce Lawson, Michael R. Burks, Richard Rutter, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Christian Heilmann, Shawn Lawton Henry, Bob Regan, Cynthia D. Waddell - Amazon
  • Ensuring Digital Accessibility through Process and Policy, Jonathan Lazar, Daniel F. Goldstein, Anne Taylor - Amazon

Colors and contrast

There are many great accounts and resources shared via #a11y or #accessibility, worth to follow them in social medias.

That’s it for now! I hope it will be useful for someone.